
Here is the logo



Billy Lee

Terra Cotta Catering Co.

415 East Magnolia Avenue

Auburn, AL 36830


334.826.2662 Fax




From: Mary Pat McGlawn []
Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2020 10:32 AM
To: Billy Lee <>
Subject: Re: Front Porch logo review


Okay perfect! Here are the final files --- png, jpeg, and vector file. Let me know if you need anything else!




On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 3:54 PM Billy Lee <> wrote:

Okay, so it's the first one.  Love it!!!




From: Mary Pat McGlawn []
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 2:22 PM
To: Billy Lee <>
Subject: Re: Front Porch logo review


Okay, here is another review with 3 options with a more drawn effect. Let me know what you think!


I was going off of the photo you sent me, so if you like the effects on the building where it's slightly crooked and it bothers you that its crooked, then I can just go off of a more straight look photo of the building.




On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 11:55 AM Billy Lee <> wrote:

No, in fact by is exactly what I wanted.  And I think we just keep it black and white.




From: Mary Pat McGlawn []
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 10:44 AM
To: Billy Lee <>
Subject: Re: Front Porch logo review


Okay! I can work on that in the next hour or so and send back to you. Are you okay with the wording of "by Billy Lee" at the bottom? Or would you rather it say "Owner: Billy Lee" "Chef Billy Lee" or something like that?




On Tue, Jun 30, 2020 at 11:32 AM Billy Lee <> wrote:

Hey there,

Ok, so I like the first one but I would like it more if the "building" was more like an abstract sketching, almost like pencil or chalk art instead of so architectural. I don't know what program you are using but I know that some (photo shop) have a button you can just push to make an image appear like that.  So if we could change that and look at it I think that would be great!!!!  Thanks so much and just let me know.



From: Mary Pat McGlawn []
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2020 9:38 AM
Subject: Front Porch logo review


Hey Billy!


Here are some logo options for you to review. I would love to hear positive and negative feedback so I can revise to make it what you want. 


I would also love suggestions on color. I tried some soft colors along with gray that matches your building. 


Just let me know what you are thinking! I really appreciate letting me work on this. 


I also wanted to mention some other things that might be helpful for you collateral wise to do after you choose a logo direction: 

  • social media (Instagram, Facebook) for posting menus, updates, and gaining a following
  • small stickers for food containers and to-go bags to make your logo more visible
  • directional posters for pickup (enter here, exit here, 6ft apart) 
  • poster menu
  • flyers to put in to-go bags
  • website (for menu, announcement of business, etc.)
  • business cards

I would be happy to help with any of this. I know that Mel has probably already mentioned this to you, but I would love to make strides of starting my own business doing branding for new businesses, social media consultation, stationery, etc. And helping you get starting would be great for my portfolio and getting things started. 


Thanks again!


Mary Pat

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Written by José Vizcarra
on Friday, July 03, 2020 at 7:01 AM.

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